OurChildInfo.com is a permanent, non-deletable messaging system for parents to communicate after a divorce. Only for the two parents, with no ability to delete, alter, or backdate any posts. Prove agreements, exchange documents, bills, school records, events, court agreements, medical appointments, eliminate the he said/she said. Court ordered in a growing number of states. Permanent confirmed repository of communication between parents to preserve the record. Merged Chronological Log file downloadable by either parent at any time.

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After a divorce or separation, parents are emotionally and financially exhausted. Once a parenting agreement or order is entered -- it's not over -- a new era of notice and communication has begun. The divorce process focuses on the physical custody schedule, while the significant communication and notice obligations are overlooked. Parenting agreements have obligations to keep each parent informed and maintaining that communication is exhausting.



After a divorce it can be a difficult burden to communicate with an ex. I’ve been fielding common concerns and questions from parents for more than 20 years and created this site for parents to communicate about their children after a custody matter ends. The pages-long Parenting Agreement details communication and parenting requirements but provides no real-life guidance or automatic remedies for breaches. This creates a climate whereby one parent can manipulate the other by withholding information and the financial burden of hiring an attorney puts those answers out of reach. OCI is now available to solve those problems.



OurChildInfo.com can fight parental alienation. Don’t give up when one parent stops returning calls, and starts blocking. Are they also intercepting cards, gifts and denying parenting time? The behavior enables the parent to say “see your [dad/mom] does not care about you.” Post on OurChildInfo.com. Even if they never respond -- show your child the years of posts you shared that the other never bothers to tell the child. Signing up gives the other parent a free account, and no excuses.

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Two sentences in a Parenting Agreement obligate major responsibility. “Parents shall cooperate in scheduling their time with the child to accommodate the social, educational, and extra-curricular commitments of the child. Parents shall be entitled to immediate access from the other to records and information pertaining to the child, including but not limited to, medical, dental, health, school, religious, and educational records.” Manage that task with OurChildInfo.

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It is the most inexpensive site of its kind. We figured that $7.50 per month was affordable and if parents wanted to split it, they could. Parents can sign up without a court order. Therefore, the parent that needs the site can sign up and the second parent has no financial excuse to not use it. Using any other site, in any scenario, in any division of costs, you both would pay more.