Want your divorce over FAST?

It is possible to complete a divorce in under thirty days and the fastest that I have ever completed one was under twenty-four hours. However, in that particular case the parties had no children, were married for a short time, agreed on their assets and essentially kept what they had. Review the earlier article regarding the stages of grief that are often experienced during the process of a divorce. Going through a divorce fast does not change the length, order or experience of those stages. Too often I have had cases where the parties proceed through the divorce quickly because they want it behind them but, if they have children, it is never really behind them. Children continue to bind parties to each other, not until the child is eighteen, but for life.

I have seen parties want their divorce done while they are still in the denial stage and have accomplished it in that time, however if the parties then start experiencing the different stages of grief they may realize that they are ill equipped to handle the life or the circumstances of their ex because they have not had the benefit of proceeding through the various stages of grief at the same time a divorce is preceding while they have the counsel of their attorney as a guide.

Our Child Info can be helpful in that context to eliminate some of the emotional communication, bonds, and ties between parties and reduce them to the basic information regarding children that need to be followed. Very often if one of the parties is still in the anger stage they will purposely attempt to deny the other party information about the child, residences, school functions and similar and Our Child Info helps to bridge the gap between the confusing mess of emotions that accompany a divorce and the still necessary and required exchange of information for a child.


Dating while Divorcing


Exclusive Possession